5 Signs Your Partner Your Partner Is Selfish In Bed

Why Is Your Partner Selfish in the Bed and How to Fix It?
A selfish lover is one that doesn't even care about your orgasms. “Didn't you cum? Well, next time! "- that’s his catchphrase.
That’s how you can define that your partner is selfish in bed:⠀
→ He doesn't care about your needs. When he doesn't care about your desires, he may even agree - but still not do anything.
→ Skips the foreplay. If he is ready, then everyone is ready.
→Doesn't want to try new things. He is against vibrators and sex toys. It insults him if you help yourself with your hand. He is so cool and sexy, why do you need this stimulation? After all, he has a magic wand: use it in and you immediately have an orgasm.
→ Oral sex is only for him. Blowjob is an obligatory part of the program, and cunni is only on big holidays (or never). And if it happens, then it's more like studying the clitoris.
→ Causes a feeling of guilt. Why don't you want sex? Do you love me? Would you like to make me feel good? Or are you frigid as you don't immediately get wet from the sight of his penis?!
What if your man is a selfish partner?
👉 Do not imitate or participate in his games
👉 Praise when he does something good and you have an orgasm
👉 Talk about your desires and how everything works for you.
In our courses, we teach you to be courageous and openly talk about your desires. You get to know your body better, understand how to stimulate yourself and how to achieve brilliant orgasms.
You will no longer fake, but enjoy every time. Also, we have the course for men - “How to arouse her desire for sex with you”. We promise your partner will never be selfish in bed.
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