9 Tips for Sexy Dirty Talk That Will Make Your Partner Swoon

sex talk sex tips
a girl has a chat on the phone

Best Dirty Talk Tips

Sexting is a fun and exciting way to spice up your sex life and keep things interesting with your partner.

It can also be a great tool for exploring new ways of expressing yourself and connecting with others. If you’re looking for some ideas to get started, here are some tips to help you out.


1. Get creative

Sexting doesn’t have to be super explicit or graphic, although it can be if that’s what you’re both into. Instead, consider getting creative by using metaphors, playful language, and even puns – anything to keep the conversation fun and interesting.



2. Use emojis

Emojis can go a long way in setting the tone for your sexts. From blushing cheeks to hearts eyes, there are plenty of emojis to choose from that will bring your text message to life and make it much more engaging.

Just make sure you know how each emoji is interpreted as meanings could easily be misconstrued.


3. Send pictures

Sexting can involve sending photos as well as texts – these should always remain consensual though!

Consider sending photos that focus on one particular aspect of your body such as your legs or arms, or even send photos of lingerie or intimate apparel that you may be wearing at the time – this will definitely peak their interest!


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5. Take A Trip Together

If possible, plan a trip together somewhere special just for the two of you - whether it's sightseeing at nearby tourist spots or jet-setting across continents for an exotic getaway trip - wherever it may be doesn't matter as long as it's just the two of you together celebrating Valentine's Day away from everything else!


6. Don’t forget about audio

Audio files are often overlooked but they can actually provide a much richer experience than written words alone.

Whether it’s an audio clip of yourself reading something naughty or simply saying something alluring in a sexy voice, this type of content is often incredibly tantalizing for both parties involved.


7. Talk dirty

Talking dirty via text messages can be an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to sexting which is why it shouldn’t be overlooked! Don't feel like you need to use explicit language though - subtle hints and innuendos can sometimes become much more provocative than making direct requests or statements when sexting.



8. Set a limit

When sexting over text messages or other digital mediums such as WhatsApp, consider setting a time limit so that each person gets their turn responding back-and-forth during the conversation - this will help keep things going for longer periods of time and ensure that no one person is doing all the talking (or typing).


9. Keep it lighthearted

Sexting doesn't have to always revolve around intense topics - lighthearted conversations about fantasies or role-playing games can often times become just as exciting for both parties involved - not to mention much easier if either person is feeling shy about sharing more intimate details about themselves.

Additionally, if either person begins feeling uncomfortable during the conversation then make sure that everyone respects their boundaries throughout (and don't forget consent!) 


Overall, sexting is an incredibly fun way to express yourself while exploring new levels of intimacy with someone else - so don't be afraid to get creative and see what possibilities await!


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About the author

Elizabeth Carter
Sexual health expert who helps people with sexual problems such as anorgasmia, low libido, and sexual dysfunction.

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