Tea House: An Inside Look at Menstrual Cups

Your Body Will Be Grateful!
Tired of tampons and pads? Try out menstrual cups!
What is the menstrual cup?
🍃The most environmentally-friendly feminine hygiene product.
One bowl can be used for 10 years. Or even more!
Got it? - during this time you use about 2000 pads or tampons.
Imagine how long this mountain of cellulose will decompose ☣️
There is no smell, no leaks, with moderate menstruation, one cup can not be changed for 12 hours. You can also swim with them, sleep and even get cunni🔥
🍃Easy to use.
You can store the bowls in a cotton bag, and just pour boiling water over the next menstruation.
If you are really worried about hygiene, you can boil it.
❓ Has the bowl darkened? Keep it in hydrogen peroxide for a while.
- If you are new to cups, be sure to use a water-based lubricant for gentle insertion.
- Well, look at the hardness: if you have high sensitivity, take it softer.
But keep in mind: the softer the bowl, the higher the risk of leaks!
Alternatively, before insertion, you can hold the bowl under cold water to make it a little harder and open faster.
How to use it? When folded, and then scroll a little so that it snaps into place.
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