The Basics of Female Orgasms...

You should know this to bring EPIC orgasms to any woman...
Don’t rush it. Take your time with the foreplay – the initial petting and caresses. If you want to please your partner, you should experiment together. F ind out what she likes and what she can't stand . The female libido is affected by different factors, which you ’d never even consider . Psychological and biological ones, for instance. There are many of them. A woman needs to be fully aro used before the penetration; you need to see and feel that she’s yearning with her entire body for you to get inside her. Another clear sign is the vaginal lube – the initial surface one at first , and then deeper inside. The structure of the female organs requires for the clitoris and the vagina’s anterior part to swell first. That is what's called “the erect state”. You must see it or feel it. It’s the same as when a man’s penis gets hard . Before that , there’s no point initiating the intercourse since the woman won’t be ready and won’t reach an orgasm. In addition, it’s not actually safe for a woman to have sex without lube. If a penis goes into a dry vagina, it could cause microtraumas .
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Sex therapist specialized in mental health with an additional education
in sexuality and sex-related topics.