Free The Nipples And Be Healthier

Why It Is Good to Walk without a Bra...
They say that if you take off your bra and get off your high heels at the same time you can die of pleasure!
Okay, we want to tell you why it is actually good to keep your breasts free.
1. You will be healthy.
It turns out that in countries where women don’t wear a bra, they have a lower risk of getting breast cancer. Women who wear a bra 12 or more hours a day have a 125 times higher risk of getting this diagnosis. It is even worse if the bra is too small or has bones: there is a strong squeezing of the breast. Without a bra, a normal outflow of lymph occurs and toxins are not deposited.
2. The breasts will grow and remain firm.
It turns out that a bra prevents the growth of the mammary gland in young women. And the strangest thing is that it is the bra that makes the ligaments lazy: they get used to constant support and then don’t want to support their breasts.
3. The back won’t hurt and the shoulders will be rested.
Recently, a study has confirmed that women who constantly wear a bra suffer from back pain. So, after they completely abandoned the bra, 80% of the pain has gone. This is because the vessels and nerves are pinched from the bra. We take off the bra – the pain goes away.
But the advice "Walk without a bra everywhere and everywhere" is not suitable for all women. If the breast is large, or you are feeding a baby, or you are pregnant, a bra is necessary. Only correct!
How to choose it?
The most important criterion is your comfort. If you take off your bra, and you feel as if you have left the pre-trial detention center, and there are deep dents on your body from the straps and bones, then the bra doesn’t suit you.
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