How to Breath during Sex? Orgasm Breathing

How to Breathe during Sex?
- I heard that with the help of breathing you and your partner can get an orgasm simultaneously. Is it true?"
- Yes, there are certain breathing techniques that help you sync.
I'm not sure if you can get an orgasm through breathing, it doesn't work that way. But in any case, breathing is an important element of arousal. And I'm not talking about how porn actresses moan...
Breathing during sex should be the sound of pleasure. Not a simulation game. You shouldn't think about how you sound, how arousing your breathing is, you should simply let go of your thoughts and enjoy your sensations.
⛔️Main mistakes⛔️
1️⃣ You deliberately restrain sounds in order to then exhale erotically. This, on the other hand, harms the orgasm. Better to breathe deeply and slowly. The body is oxygenated and you will relax.
2️⃣ If your orgasms are rare, then at the peak you can hold your breath so as not to frighten off the orgasm. But it is necessary on the contrary: to give the body more oxygen to make orgasm even brighter.
3️⃣ Remember: when entering, inhale, when leaving, exhale. This way you will be able to sync to your partner's body as much as possible.
❓How to breathe properly during sex?
🌿Concentrate on your breathing.
This will help you disconnect from thoughts and immerse yourself in pleasant sensations.
🌿 Breathe through your mouth frequently and with sound.
This will increase your excitement. Rhythmic sounds that go to the beat of the breath immerse you in a trance state.
🌿 Breathe into the clitoris.
Here, I’m talking about paying attention to the genitals while breathing.
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