How to Postpone Menopause?

Forever Young?
“Team Sexfulness, I came across an advertisement for a dietary supplement that supposedly can delay menopause or even remove it altogether. Does it really work? "
Well, we don’t know what dietary supplement we are talking about and we don’t really want to talk about drugs in our magazine. We know one thing 100% - it is impossible to avoid menopause. This is a physiological process, there are no options here.
❓Why does menopause come?
Due to hormonal changes (the ovaries produce hormones more slowly) accompanying symptoms appear: dryness in the vagina, weakening of intimate muscles, decreased libido. And also hot flashes, drowsiness, or vice versa, overexcitation...
Usually, menopause occurs in the interval of 45-50 years. But gynecologists all over the world are sounding the alarm: more and more cases of early menopause are detected in women 35-40 years old😱
The reason is stress, hormonal disruptions, bad habits, congestion in the small pelvis. The ovaries stop working correctly.
It is possible and necessary to support the body and prevent the reproductive system from shutting down!
With the correct training of intimate muscles. When you train intimate muscles, blood circulation in the pelvic organs normalizes, the ovaries work, the hormonal system is restored. You help your body to prolong youth.
IMPORTANT: after pumping intimate muscles, you must stretch the vagina. It helps to relax clogged muscles, relieve vaginal spasms. Muscles become more elastic, and they have a resource for growth🥰
The more elastic the muscles, the better they pump blood, the better the genitals work. And the vagina also becomes more sensitive - therefore, after intimate gymnastics, sex is more intense and bright!
If you wanna learn more about intimate gymnastics get our free guide and subscribe to our courses now for a Special Limited-Time Price - only $1 for a 14-day All-Access Pass - and start improving your sexual health with The Sexfulness (Sexfullness)!