How to Stop Criticizing and Start Loving Yourself

How to Stop Criticizing Yourself
Become more confident and stop judging yourself
Throughout my youth, I treated myself like shit. Every day I looked for flaws and scolded myself for being imperfect. Later, after dozens of psychological courses and training, I realized that I was trying to turn myself into a completely different person. I wanted to be «perfect» and, of course, I never achieved it. In reality, I just needed to drop all these high expectations and just love. Love my true self.
I have prepared a therapeutic exercise for you that will help you start loving yourself.
🌿 Make a list of how a person who loves him/herself behaves. You can include actions, verbs. How does a person feel about him/herself? What does he/she do, what he/she says, how he/she behaves if he/she is sad. Do not stop the stream of consciousness, write whatever comes to mind.
I have prepared a therapeutic exercise for you that will help you start loving yourself.
🌿 Make a list of how a person who loves him/herself behaves. You can include actions, verbs. How does a person feel about him/herself? What does he/she do, what he/she says, how he/she behaves if he/she is sad. Do not stop the stream of consciousness, write whatever comes to mind.
🌿 Analyze the list and cross out everything that you are already doing now.
🌿Look at the actions that remain and try to implement them in your life on a regular basis. This is your plan for How to Truly Love Yourself.
The practice is effective, but only if you are honest with yourself and follow the self-love list with discipline. I know how this is not easy to do when a lot of things/children/husband/work.
How not forget to take time for yourself? With the help of our courses, you will be more disciplined and certainly achieve results!