Shocking Myths About Female Orgasms

Some Negative and Destructive Myths about Sex...
"Can you imagine, he broke with me right during sex!"
"What did you do? Laughing at his little cock?"
“Worse, I started to stimulate the clitoris. Well, he is so humiliated and insulted, like “Why can't you cum just from my cock? Are you frigid?"
Oh, these are the most horrific orgasm myths around. It's awful that women start to feel flawed because of them. Especially if no one explained to them how their body works, where the orgasm comes from.
That’s how myths are born.
✅ "If you don't cum, you're frigid."
Nonsense. Don't let anyone talk about you like that.
Frigidity is when you have NEVER experienced sexual attraction and orgasms either.
Orgasmic dysfunction is quite different. When there is excitement, but orgasm is difficult to get or the woman has never received them. This can and should be corrected. And frigid women - only 5% of the entire planet - are diagnosed by a doctor, not a bad lover.
✅ "Orgasm is useless."
On the contrary: if during sex you become aroused, but did not get an orgasm, blood slowly drains from the genitals, there may be congestion, in the worst case - neurosis.
✅ "Clitoral orgasm - not exactly an orgasm."
It was Freud who divided the orgasm into clitoral, which speaks of the "psychological immaturity of a woman," and "vaginal", which women with "normal psychosexual development" experience.
Today sexologists have proven that this is the same reflex reaction. And all your orgasms - even vaginal - are from the clitoris.
I want women to understand and appreciate their bodies. So that you and hundreds of our followers raise their heads proudly and say to yourself and your lover: "I AM WORTHY OF ORGASMS".
You should put yourself first, especially in bed😉
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