Take off your panties! Should you sleep naked?

Healthy Benefits of Sleeping Naked
How do you sleep? In warm pajamas or naked? For example, there is a lot cool brands of home clothes. But we know that many girls like to sleep naked. Research has proven that there is a lot healthy benefits of sleeping naked!
1. Your sleep improves.
You fall asleep faster and get better sleep. Sleeping without clothes automatically reduces body temperature. The ideal sleeping room temperature is 15-19 °C. And also you wake up less often
2. Stress goes away, and sex becomes more passionate.
When your skin comes into contact with your partner's skin, oxytocin is released, which is responsible for attachment. You sync in sensations and get excited at the same time.
3. Less risk of illness.
If you spend all day in underpants, then at least for sleep, free your vulva from this stiffness. It also helps protect yourself from bacteria. They love to breed in wet and warm environment, which is easy to create when your genitals are “hidden”.
4. You are losing weight.
Fat begins to burn to maintain body temperature. The metabolism is accelerated and you can lose weight.
Sometimes sleeping naked is as hard as looking at yourself naked in the mirror. You are ashamed of yourself, your "imperfect" body. Everything in your body is wrong: the tummy failed, the sides hang, the chest is too big-small-different. You transmit this attitude to the world: and your partner begins to treat you with disdain too.
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