Top Exercise for Your Feminity

Top Exercise for Awakening Your Feminine Power
Do you wanna remove all your mental blocks and totally rock your divine feminine power? Do this exercise every day and feel the difference!
Why have you been given this AMAZING body? To be happy, feel the wind and your partner's gentle touch on your skin, hug your loved ones, see the bright colors of the sky and enjoy every morning of your life🤩
But sometimes you forget about it: you are overwhelmed with stress and fatigue. Muscles and joints lose their plasticity and you become a hostage to your own body😵
I want you to be free RIGHT NOW and discover a powerful source of sexual energy in yourself.
I give you an easy exercise that will help you get rid of all your stress and mental blocks👇🏻
1️⃣ Take a comfortable position.
You can sit like me in a lotus position, or on a chair or even stand.
2️⃣ Start doing circular movements with your chest.
3️⃣ Feel the movement of your body and then relax your shoulders, neck and head.
4️⃣ Connect breathing.
If you feel blocks in the body, try to relax these areas.
Just 5 minutes a day for your relaxation and femininity🙏🏻
In our course "Sleeping Beauty: How to Awaken Sexuality", we help you embrace your feminine power and start enjoying sex.
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