Why Are You Cheating? Myths about Treason

Myths about treason
There are many myths around treason. We decided to give you the most popular ones and share our opinion.
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Myth 1. Cheating always happens because of relationship problems.
It seems true, and you immediately remember all these phrases like men don’t cheat on good wives. Or “You didn't give him what he wanted in bed, so he found the one who did.” Sure, there may be some problems. But we are conscious adults, and we can solve them. Just take responsibility for your family and start a dialogue. Cheaters have no such responsibility. It's easier for them to blame their partners. Therefore, girls, choose wise, self-sufficient partners who will love and cherish you.
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Myth 2. One cheats because he/she lacks something.
We would say that it's the person who cheats that lacks certain qualities. Relationships begin to suppress, stifle, and do not allow partners to reveal their true selves. And then the person decides to find a new lover. With a new partner, a person can be different, reveal the unknown side of his/her personality. They say, “I love you, not for who you are. But for the way, I am with you. "Before jumping into someone else's bed, think ten times - what am I running from? Which side of my personality do I want to reveal?
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Myth 3. Male and female treasons are different.
We remember the catchphrase: “I’m a man, a hunter: I need variety.” In fact, men and women alike want sex; women may want to experiment too. But society persistently attributes polygamy to men. And this is the wrong approach.
There are many myths, but the truth is only one: cheating means you are no longer so close, you do not trust each other, and are simply afraid to reveal your sexual desires. And it's easier to find another lover. But simpler doesn't mean better. We always stand for a dialogue. It can help find a way out of a situation when the relationship seems to be over.
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Myth 1. Cheating always happens because of relationship problems.
It seems true, and you immediately remember all these phrases like men don’t cheat on good wives. Or “You didn't give him what he wanted in bed, so he found the one who did.” Sure, there may be some problems. But we are conscious adults, and we can solve them. Just take responsibility for your family and start a dialogue. Cheaters have no such responsibility. It's easier for them to blame their partners. Therefore, girls, choose wise, self-sufficient partners who will love and cherish you.
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Myth 2. One cheats because he/she lacks something.
We would say that it's the person who cheats that lacks certain qualities. Relationships begin to suppress, stifle, and do not allow partners to reveal their true selves. And then the person decides to find a new lover. With a new partner, a person can be different, reveal the unknown side of his/her personality. They say, “I love you, not for who you are. But for the way, I am with you. "Before jumping into someone else's bed, think ten times - what am I running from? Which side of my personality do I want to reveal?
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Myth 3. Male and female treasons are different.
We remember the catchphrase: “I’m a man, a hunter: I need variety.” In fact, men and women alike want sex; women may want to experiment too. But society persistently attributes polygamy to men. And this is the wrong approach.
There are many myths, but the truth is only one: cheating means you are no longer so close, you do not trust each other, and are simply afraid to reveal your sexual desires. And it's easier to find another lover. But simpler doesn't mean better. We always stand for a dialogue. It can help find a way out of a situation when the relationship seems to be over.
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