How to Deal with Unrequited Love?

How to heal a broken heart?
It’s a well-known fact that people whose life is not fulfilled are prone to suffer more from unrequited love. A fulfilling life means having a variety of endorphin rewards, or, to put it simply, pleasure in life. All events in our lives, even the happiest and saddest of them, have a similar effect. No matter how strange it may sound, the intensity and duration of these events directly correlate with the fullness of your life.
- The fewer people in your life, the more valuable each of them is to you.
- The fewer events in your life, the more valuable each event is.
We value some people not because they are very special. At the stage of falling in love, a person simply does not have time to become special to us. We need some people because there is nothing else for us.
But there is no need to look for a shortcut - you need to look for an effective way. And it requires some effort.
And here is what you really need to overcome the emptiness you feel because of unrequited love:
1️⃣ Meeting new people. Each person creates a unique biochemical cocktail in our brain. This means that your current drug may be a lot less high than your future one!
2️⃣ Travelling. Travelling is full of endorphins - aesthetics, new surroundings and experiences, new people, new photos — all this is a pure pleasure!
3️⃣ Overcoming fears and making achievements. No need to jump with a parachute (if you do not want to). If you are afraid of public speaking - give a presentation in front of colleagues, if you are afraid of sidelong glances at your body - go to the gym, if you are afraid of public condemnation - start a blog on YouTube, if you are afraid to swim - go to the pool with an instructor.
A well-deserved pleasure in response to an adrenaline rush is an incredibly pleasant condition because it comes in response to the released adrenaline and works on contrast. Your limbic system will appreciate your efforts, and your life will sparkle with completely different colors.
Make sure that your main memory of unrequited love is a feeling of sincere gratitude for his or her giant contribution to your new bright and eventful life!
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Sex and relationship coach who works with people dealing with issues of sexual trauma and sexual disorders.