Vagina Memory

How to Deal with the Sexual Consequences of the Past?
Do you know the most absurd thing we've read about vagina? That it remembers all your men. Some North American scientists examined the DNA of newborns and found that their cells contain the code of all men who had contact with their mother. It seems to us that this nonsense was invented by men!
Another stupid myth is that the vagina stretches from a large penis. The husband of our subscriber tried to convict her of treason, allegedly because after his month-long business trip she became "widespread." Complete nonsense!
Yes, the vagina can really remember, but not the size of the penis and not the DNA of men, but deep sexual experiences. For example, prohibitions from childhood, or when there was a negative sexual experience, or if a bad lover criticized your appearance. Vagina remembers everything and responds to you with a spasm.
In our courses, you will learn yoni-mapping! You examine the vagina with your own hands and draw up a map of pleasant and unpleasant sensations. During the practice, memories from the past, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, shame for masturbation from childhood may come up. Many female students even cry during these deep workings.
What else does the vagina remember?
Childbirth, for example. Then the muscles weaken and the vagina becomes "wide" and this is the first sign of prolapse. It doesn’t always occur due to childbirth, more often it happens in women who carry weights. Or in women who rarely have sex and at the same time do nothing with their intimate muscles.
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