What Are the Reliable Orgasm Indicators for Females?

Fake or Real?
There are several reliable orgasm indicators, biological and psychological, which allow you to tell with an almost 100% certainty whether a woman really reached a peak with you.
Here they are:
✔️Intensive reddening of the chest. The blood is rushing, resulting in bright pink spots appearing on the skin. Some might have a lot of those, some might not, and they can vary in intensity. The woman herself may at that moment experience a rush of warmth towards her genitals, or heat spreading through her body. Blush might appear on her face.
✔️During the peak itself, the woman freezes. She even stops breathing. She could've been moaning or screaming before, but in the most important, the most mind-blowing moment, she goes “numb”.
✔️There’s another purely biological symptom that the woman herself might not feel, but the man definitely does. The vagina abruptly grows hotter, and the consistency of produced lube changes: at first, it thickens at the start of an orgasm, and then it turns watery again. The reason for this is the separation of the cervical mucus, which is thick and dense and has a temperature of 41.5 degrees Celsius. Such hot and thick lube covers the penis quite nicely and even causes another erection for some people.
✔️There’s also a popular belief that a satisfied woman must either fall asleep right away or get very hungry. So, if your partner continues to nuzzle and search for bodily contact, she might not have gotten there yet. By the way, speaking of falling asleep – the French have a special name for post-orgasmic sleep – petit mort (little death). This term describes deep and heavy slumber with few breathing movements, which happens right after a release. However, if your partner has a chronic illness or you feel that something’s wrong, you should call a doctor.
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