Why Are Sex and Alcohol Incompatible?

To Drink or Not to Drink?
What do we hear when we ask people why they drink alcohol before sex?
✔️ "I feel relaxed" ⠀
✔️ “I stop being nervous and anxious and act more freely” ⠀
✔️ "Flirting becomes easier"
What is it really all about? ⠀
In this case, drinking alcohol is about fatigue, fears, and blocks that you remove with the help of alcohol.
We often hear that alcohol increases sexual desire. That’s a lie!
Alcohol turns off control, but it doesn't lead to "arousal". When your blocks are gone, you start doing what the "good girls" do not allow themselves. Maybe you’ve heard of the term «drunk sex». ⠀
❓What does alcohol really lead to? ⠀
- Erectile dysfunction. ⠀
- Alcoholic delirium of jealousy. ⠀
- Dry vagina. Alcohol dehydrates the body and you can't just moisturize. ⠀
- Longer sex. This is due to a decrease in the brain's ability to respond to sexual stimulation. ⠀
- Decreased intensity of orgasm. ⠀
- Decreased anxiety, so you can endanger your health and even life. ⠀
You may think that alcohol is that magic button that turns on excitement, but in fact, you always have this fire inside. Alcohol just allows you to realize what you really want. ⠀
But the worst will come later. Alcohol is a powerful depressant that lowers the production of serotonin. And in the morning you can feel ashamed and sad. ⠀
Not drinking does not stop us from having great sex! We want you to find new sources of inspiration, learn how to relax, and love your body!⠀
And you can help do all that with the help of our tutorials! You can get answers to all of your questions: how to start loving yourself, how to become more confident in bed, how to please your partner, how to relax before sex, and so on.
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