Why Are You Emotionally Addicted to Your Partner and How to Deal with It?


What is Emotional Addiction?

Emotional addiction involves obsessive thoughts about a relationship with a particular person; a person believes that he/she needs another person to survive, be happy, or feel fulfilled.
Addictive relationships are toxic and very powerful.
Love is easily confused with emotional addiction because both of these conditions usually come with strong feelings towards a particular person. But in emotionally dependent relationships, people feel like they are "in love" when in fact they "need". Emotionally dependent people need constant attention, approval, and support from a partner because they do not find it in themselves.
👇🏻Signs of emotional addiction:
✔️You tend to idealize people
✔️You're constantly focused on how your partner treats you
✔️You make your partner responsible for your happiness
✔️You feel anxious if your partner does not text you when you expect it
✔️You feel empty if your partner is not paying attention to you
✔️You’re jealous and possessive
"Love" that comes out of fear is not love, it is a need. Emotional addiction stems from the inner emptiness that occurs when you give up on yourself - and then you expect your partner to fill the void and make you feel loved and protected.
Love is what supports your own and highest good. When you love someone, you deeply appreciate their basic qualities, qualities that do not disappear over time.
If you do not love yourself, then you cannot really love another person. When you don't see and appreciate yourself, you become emotionally dependent on your desire for love.
When you love yourself, you will be much less vulnerable to emotional dependence on your partner because you will not have a desperate need for attention and approval. When you give yourself the attention and approval you need, you can have healthy relationships with others without relying on them for your sense of well-being.
Learn to love yourself - that’s a key to a happy life and harmonious relationships with yourself and other people.

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