Why Does She Say NO to Sex with You?

Why Does a Woman Refuse to Have Sex with You?
“I have been around her all the time. And nothing happens between”, - our students cannot understand why they are rejected. There were a million opportunities to have sex. And still no sex.
Why does it happen?
✔ Virginity. Some girls take care of themselves and are waiting for their one and only lover or until marriage. And if you are not ready to take on such responsibility, it is better not to waste her time. And what else you should not do is persuade a virgin to have sex. This should be her personal decision. ⠀
✔ You are not her type. And let your mother say that you are the most beautiful, for her you can just be a friend. You do not suit her by smell, by sensations, you do not excite her. Friendship is a diagnosis.
✔ Poor hygiene. If you don’t wash, don’t shave — you can still be rejected. We just want to say to some guys who suffer without sex: “Have you tried good hygiene?” ⠀
✔ Bad foreplay. You need to be careful and clearly read the signals. Perhaps you push too hard. Rough caresses, an attempt to get into panties right away, obvious domination - all this can deprive you of sex. Be strong, but noble and gentle.
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